The Social Organization of Patient Engagement

Conducting an Institutional Ethnography (IE) of Participatory Engagement (ParE) that begins in the standpoint of PWLECPM and begins to identify the institutional interests underpinning pain research in Canada.

Opening Up Patient Engagement as a Topic for Inquiry

Patient engagement (PE) in research is intended to be a “meaningful collaboration” with patients as partners in all aspects of research. The purpose of PE is to engage people with lived experience of a health condition to integrate into research projects what they deem valuable. However, no universally accepted framework for including voice, perspective, knowledge, and experience in PE exists. And, while there is growing recognition of the association between pain and systemic and structural marginalization, research in the area of chronic pain continues to pay inadequate attention to how meaningful engagement can be initiated and sustained with people with lived experience.

Team Members

Fiona Webster

Director and Principal Investigator

Dr. Eric Mykhalovskiy

Dr. Joel Katz

Dr. Andrew Pinto

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What else we’ve we’ve been working on.

Setting the Foundation through Community Consultations

Eliciting input from marginalized communities or groups both within health care and broader social settings about approaches to “patient” engagement. We will learn collaboratively and carefully how, when, and where to engage.

Brokered dialogue study around the concept of Participant Engagement in Research

Understanding the ways “patient engagement” is characterized and understood by those holding a range of perspectives in the chronic pain field.

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